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Attend as many classes as you like each week. There are some classes only open to children, or to adults. Please see the front desk for more information regarding these, and to arrange your payment schedule.
Membership dues are deducted fortnightly. There is no need to carry cash, keep track of accounts or deal with sending money with your children. Simple!
Get your loyalty card signed when you pay for your lessons. Every 10th private lesson is free.
All private lessons are $70 per hour, regardless of which teacher they are with. This price will stay at $70 for the entire of 2021, irrespective of any general price increases.
Included for the entire year. Thats a saving of $10 per week - $440 saving!
Plan your year in advance. This pocket-sized calendar lists all medal days and studio events, as well as most competitions within Victoria and around Australia.
If you wish to purchase more than 2 private memberships at once, discounts are available.
Simply put, the first 2 memberships are at full price,
the 3rd is 75%
the 4th is 50%
the 5th is 35%
the 6th is 25%
the 7th etc are free (yes free!)
Multiple memberships are only available to DIRECT family members, ie father/mother/child. This does not include grandparents, aunts, cousins etc.