About DanceSport WestSide

DsWs is All Grown Up! We turned 21 years old in 2018!

Operating for 16 years as BJ's Dance Center, it was time for a change and DanceSport WestSide emerged in 2014. A studio based at 1/21 Reserve Rd Melton, Victoria, Australia, we have staff from both social dancing and competitive backgrounds.

DSWS is run by Bec Toal, who has been in the dance industry for over 35 years. She is very proud of the diversity of her staff, whose flexibility ensures the DSWS students learn all styles from Salsa and Latin to Standard and New Vogue. For the competitive dancers specialist teachers are available in all styles.

Our staff are very proud of our champions at both state and national level, including champions in Juvenile (U13yrs) through to Masters (over 35years). Some of our prouder successes however come from our students with Disability. DSWS has a strong belief in integration, and our class structure allows students to attend classes at the level which best suits their capabilities. Whether its within our general classes, or 1-on-1 lessons, we work closely with all students to develop their full potential.
Offering both a wide range of group dance classes, as well as 1-on-1 and couples private lessons, DSWS has a variety of prices to suit every budget. Single casual classes from $15, Fortnightly unlimited classes from $50pp and private training with experienced and qualified staff from $80 per hour.


Recent achievements include medal awards for our adult ParaDance students, and participation in competitions, both within DanceSport WestSide, and in the wider community. Even National events! The cheer squad for the Australian Championships was very loud - and very proud!

If you would like more information about our classes, private lessons, school programs or integration programs, please email, or contact us on 9746 0788.




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