Teenage Dance Classes

Monday and Friday Nights

Casual Classes -$15 per person (discounts for multiple classes weekly)
We teach a wide variety of styles, from Salsa, Cha Cha and Jive, thru to Tango and social dances.
“Graduation” days are held 3 times a year, with a party night to celebrate afterwards. New students and parents are invited to drop in at any time to view our classes, and see for yourself how much fun the classes are.
Be warned - Its never quiet on Fridays!


Beginner refers to someone who has never danced, or has done less than 12 months of classes.
Children generally attend 1 class per week when first starting, so 30 minutes a week of learning and 30 minutes of social dancing. In their 1st 12 months this adds up to approx 20 hours.
Intermediate is a broad term,covering everyone from 12 months to several years.
Advanced classes should only be attended after discussion with a teacher. An advanced class assumes certain skills have been developed, and attendance without these skills can destroy fragile egos and self confidence.

Some teens prefer to attend adult classes instead, or as well as Friday night classes. This is encouraged, both to improve skills and develop better social interactions.
Adult Classes are held every Monday and Tuesday evening, catering to a variety of skill levels and styles. Teens are welcome to participate in classes on either, or both days. Many students enjoy attending the same class on both nights, to further improve the skills they learn.
We offer discounts for people attending several classes each week (membership).

Disabled Students

Our staff work with children and adults with additional needs regularly, and often they are very happy in the mainstream classes. While we encourage all students to attend our classes, regardless of ability, some students need more attention than others.
Please call or email for assistance with your specific requirements.




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